Your Track 

It is mid-April and time seems to be moving faster than ever!  Even though that might be, you can always find a way to grab on to what feels right and keep yourself on the track where you want to be in the moment and where you want to be heading.  Everything keeps us busier and busier. Getting sidetracked is almost expected. I hope you can take a few moments to sit and just listen - maybe to my music, to birds, whatever it might be. It might not slow time down, but at least you will keep yourself on the track you choose and hopefully enjoy the journey.

Wishing  you all a great week!

David Z.

How would it look? 

How would it look? … Whatever it is. 

Maybe you're buying a new car. Maybe a new coffee machine. Maybe you're getting ready to take a trip or take on a new position. 

I think it can be fun to just think about the things that are important to us and ask ourselves, how would it look? What color is it? What am I doing in my fantasy? Am I happy? Am I thinner? Am I doing what I love?

Fun musings for the week.

David Z.

Wouldn't it be nice ... 

Wouldn't it be nice if we could just live our lives peacefully without all of the hustle, bustle, deadlines, and pressures? Maybe the best way to start is to just take a few moments a day to unplug and just be. Just sitting somewhere quiet for five to ten minutes can make all the difference. See what happens.

Have a wonderful & peaceful week!

David Z.


This week is about trust... Trust in the bigger picture. Trust that things turn out for the best. Trust that we are all taken care of. Trust that we can do anything we set out minds to. Trust that we are allowed to be happy.

Enjoy your week - and see what happens if you add a little more trust to your day.

David Z. 


This week is simply about being at peace.
Maybe it's taking a long walk, listening to beautiful music, or just sitting somewhere quiet. Whatever it is, you will know.


A New Year! A New Chance to ... 

A new year! A new chance to try something you've never done. Some ideas - singing, coding, scuba diving, cooking a new recipe, visiting a country, meditation, watching a new movie, getting taxes done early, painting a room, ... Whatever it is that might intrigue you, maybe this is the year to give it a try. Who knows - you end up loving whatever it is you start!

Happy New Year! 

Happy New Year!

To health, happiness and prosperity in in the new year and years to come.

As the old saying goes,

"May your troubles be less, 
And your blessings be more. 
And nothing but happiness come through your door."

Merry Christmas! 

We made it! Merry, Merry Christmas to each and every one of you. Wishing you all a blessed Christmas filled with light, love and music! 

Halfway There! 

We are halfway until Christmas! I hope you are enjoying the music. A few more days and a few more songs to go!!

I'm glad you're listening!!!

Two More Songs to Start the Week 

I hope you all have a wonderful start in this exciting week. The countdown to Christmas has started. Enjoy our songs for Monday and Tuesday and be sure to check back in on Wednesday for another Christmas song!